The Linux Filesystem

The Linux Filesystem

  • /sbin has your system's essential elements.
  • /bin has other elements that need to be there though they may not be used.
  • /usr has most of the applications that you use.
  • /opt has some self-installed add-on applications.
  • /etc is where all system configuration files live.
  • /lib is where all libraries required by your system or applications live.
  • /media is where the contents of your various attached external media (USB, CD, etc.) appear when connected.
  • /home
    • This subfolder has all the user accounts for your system.
    • When you first login you're in your user account's home folder.
    • If you enter the pwd command (print working directory), you'll see /home/username

The purpose of the other root folders are less straightforward and shouldn't be tampered with directly.


  • Linux book
Written on October 4, 2019